Wall Mounted Crossfit Station

Immediately available

Full wall mounted station for performing many Crossfit exercises. Heavy-duty construction, ideal for personal studios,home use and gyms. Indicatively, you can practice with dips, pull-ups, power rope, wall ball and much more.


Complete Crossfit station consisting of a heavy-duty iron column to be mounted on the wall and seven (7) different attachments that easily fit into the center column thanks to its magnetic safety stick, thus offering a wide variety of exercises while switching between exercises is a very simple process.

The complete set includes:

  1. Center Rack, which is the main part of the Crossfit station.
  2. Wall Ball Target, to perform Wall Ball exercises (wall balls sold separetely).
  3. Punching Bag Attachment, to perform exercises with a punching bag (punching bag not included).
  4. Pull-up Bar, to perform back, shoulder and biceps strengthening exercises.
  5. Dip Station, to perform dips, chest and triceps strengthening exercises.
  6. Battle Rope D-Handle, to perform Battle Rope or Loop Band exercises.
  7. Heavy-duty platform (Step), to perform jump training (plyometric exercises).
  8. Landmine Attachment, combined with an Olympic-type bar and Weightlifting Discs for performing full-body strengthening exercises (Bars and Discs sold separetely).

See also