Complete Crossfit station consisting of a heavy-duty iron column to be mounted on the wall and seven (7) different attachments that easily fit into the center column thanks to its magnetic safety stick, thus offering a wide variety of exercises while switching between exercises is a very simple process.
The complete set includes:
- Center Rack, which is the main part of the Crossfit station.
- Wall Ball Target, to perform Wall Ball exercises (wall balls sold separetely).
- Punching Bag Attachment, to perform exercises with a punching bag (punching bag not included).
- Pull-up Bar, to perform back, shoulder and biceps strengthening exercises.
- Dip Station, to perform dips, chest and triceps strengthening exercises.
- Battle Rope D-Handle, to perform Battle Rope or Loop Band exercises.
- Heavy-duty platform (Step), to perform jump training (plyometric exercises).
- Landmine Attachment, combined with an Olympic-type bar and Weightlifting Discs for performing full-body strengthening exercises (Bars and Discs sold separetely).